Welcome to Heritage Port Stanley
Heritage Port Stanley is a not-for-profit volunteer organization set up in 1998 to preserve,
display and share the history of Port Stanley, Ontario. Port Stanley, a village with a population of about 4,000, is part of the
Municipality of Central Elgin. Heritage Port Stanley works hand-in-hand with Heritage Central Elgin, the municipal committee responsible for
the designation of heritage properties, among other matters, under the Ontario Heritage Act.
Heritaage Port Stanley has been active in erecting historical plaques and funding the paainting of historical murals
within the village. The group collects stories, books, photographs, maps, documents and newspaper clippins
relating to the history of Port Stanley since its founding in the early 19th century. We also have several
publications and DVDs which have been prepared by our members dealing with the history of Port Stanley, and have a walking tour
guide and audio tour. You will find copies of the photographs, maps and newspaper clippings on this webssite.
Our organization meets once a month, usually on the fourth Thursday of the month, at 1.30pm, and our meetings usually take place in
the Port Stanley Festival Theatre Harbourview Room. At each meeting, we usually haave a presentation dealing with some aspect
of the history of our village.
We try not to take ourselves too seriously, and welcome all input or stories about visiting, growing up or living
in Port Stanley which anyone might wish to share. We are always delighted to welcome new guests to our monthly meetings.
If you are a long-time resident of Port Stanley, we would be delighted to have your reminiscences of life in the village
through the years. If you are a newcomer to our village, we will do our best to inform and educate you in the history
of Port Stanley.